Ma's Story More than Great Food Margie Streater Stroud was the matriarch of her family, known to everyone as Ma. She was one of six children born to Haywood and Eva Mae Streater in Chesterfield, South Carolina. She moved to New Haven, CT in the early seventies where she raised her five children. Ma became the cook for almost every family event or family function. Everyone often rallied around Ma to open her own restaurant, however, she wanted to raise her grandchildren first. Ma cooked and baked from the tender age of 10 years old, and was known for her delicious sweet potato pies. She would always say, " If I can't give anything, I can give you a delicious meal!" COOKING was Ma's way of always bringing the family together. It was a way of getting everyone to talk, fuss, laugh, solve problems and do it all while eating some GOOD OLE SOUTHERN COOKING at MA's HOUSE. This woman gave her life to her children and grandchildren, and for this, we are truly grateful. She loved to cook but most of all she loved her FAMILY. Her legacy of keeping family together through discussions and food will live on through MA'S HOUSE where you're able to eat, talk, laugh, cry, and hang out all while having some good ole Southern Cuisine. Enjoy. Cherisa and Family